
Specialbeauty Tokyo 2024! Thank you!

We are pleased to announce that SBJ Tokyo 2024 was held successfully at Shinjuku: Yamano Hall this year, thanks to the overwhelming support and participation!

We would like to extend our heartfelt gratitude to the children and their parents who participated, our Specialbeauty official partners, sponsors, and all other stakeholders involved!

As mentioned at the end of the event, we are excited to officially announce the upcoming Specialbeauty Osaka.

Date: November 2, 2024
Event: Specialbeauty Osaka 2024

Details regarding participation and ticket sales will be announced on our official website and Instagram. Please follow our Instagram for updates!

Photo Sales

We are selling photos of the children who participated in Specialbeauty Tokyo 2024, which was held on June 15-16, 2024.
For more details, please visit the following page.

About Sales of Photos
